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Want to wake up bright and happy each morning, but your plantar fasciitis makes getting out of bed painful? Want to hit the gym, but your achilles tendonitis is flaring up? Want to take your dog out for a walk, but your bunions are...

Picking Up Marbles With Your Toes It makes sense that strengthening your feet might help reduce and prevent foot pain, but here’s an exercise you may not have heard of: picking up marbles (or small rocks) with your toes.How it works: Sit in a chair with your feet...

It’s no secret by now that traditional flimsy thongs are associated with gait alterations that can contribute to more serious issues, but for many patients, thongs are a hard habit to break. A new generation of “comfort” thongs offers an alternative, but clinicians remain wary.Anyone...

Walking is the most popular physical activity undertaken by Australian adults. It's free, easy, and can be done almost anywhere.Walking leads to a remarkable reduction in the risk of heart disease, type 2 , some cancers, arthritis, depression, anxiety and insomnia, and premature death from all causes. The health benefits of walking...

Stretching is an important and useful treatment when struggling to manage your Plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendon pain. Below are various stretches used in the stretching of the fascia and calf muscle/achilles tendon.Although the treatment of heel pain can be frustrating due to its indolent...

If you have recently undergone a Partial Nail Avulsion and have had your first dressing changed, please follow the instructions below.  Remember, your toe has had a minor surgical procedure, so redness and a clear, yellow discharge around the area is normal. If at any time...
